Konichiwa Japan!

So its been a while since I last posted on here and there has definitely been an adventure or two since then, but I happened to come across this blog a few months back and it was so nice to read about my time in Singapore that I thought I’d give it a go on this trip.

I’m sitting here on the plane thinking about what to expect from Japan.. I’ve heard so much from so many .. the fantastic food, the generosity of the people, the emphasis on culture and tradition.. amongst others.. even thinking about it gets me excited.. but I just want to try and remain as open as possible.

Anyway just wanted to check in here. I’ve just looked at the movie selection on the plane and I don’t think an 11 hour flight is enough time!! (The sensible person in me is telling me I should also try get lots of sleep as when I touch down it will be 7am..) but the kid in me LOVES in flight entertainment! Which one will win? I think I know, but here is hoping I don’t waste day 1 snoozing..

Overachiever, and proud of it, man.

It’s been a long time since I wrote a blog entry. I have been meaning to, honest, but I had those whole exam things in the way, and then I had results and then I was celebrating and then I was bored but then I re-found TV and internet and YouTube and the dog ate my homework and I ate some dodgy Chinese last night and… the list goes on. But honestly, in the space of two weeks I have gone from waking up at 7-8am, perky and ready to go… to slouchy, moody, sleep-loving, light-hating lazyhead. I didn’t even go abroad and I feel like I’m jetlagged.. I don’t sleep til about 4 or 5 am and wake up at some ridiculous past-noon hour! And whilst I have no feline qualities, this picture pretty much sums up that feeling:

Lazy Cat

Although minus the Bud light and plus the Corona and an iPhone.

But it’s not like I haven’t been doing anything. People call me lazy, but you know what I see.. I see my self as an achiever, and here are just a handful of examples from the last week that prove this point:

  • When I (eventually) get up, I have spent time doing productive things. Like completing the ENTIRE Angry Birds game on the iPhone- achievement.. most definitely! (And now I’m addicted to DoodleJump- 59p games are my calling!).
  • I’ve also been revelling in BBQ food.. it seems like every other day I am at a friends or with family skewering shikh kebab or marinading chicken for the old BBQ. I think I am now a skewering expert- achievement 2.
  • I decided to take my guitaring ability to the ‘next level’. Over the Xmas break I ended up breaking one of the strings, and rather that buy some new strings, I thought.. Why not buy a new guitar- which I did the very next day (an achievement in itself!). And then I begun to “play”.. but it seems that the toll of final year examinations and all that cramming had a negative impact on my motor function.. I was no longer able to strum anything in tune! So have got the old Idiots Guide out, and am going back to basics! Have re-mastered chords- achievement 3 + 4.
  • I have successfully sorted out a hol to NY in a few months time- whoop! Numero 5.
  • I broke a printer (standard). Fixed it (score). Then broke it again. (That’s 3 achievements right there).
  • I cleaned my room (after much nagging). Cleaning room- achievement. Listening to nagging- achievement. 
  • I also managed to go shopping, and then having paid for the goods, I left them on the tilldesk and didn’t realise I had left them there until I got home. Hmm. Defo an achievement!

So you see- me=achiever! I have even watched 20 episodes of  Grey’s Anatomy in 3 days! That in my opinion, that is not just achieveing… that is overachieving. Oh yeah. 

So lazy- I think not…




Life is a rollercoaster they say (or Ronan Keating does) but yesterday made me realise that the ups and downs of my rollercoaster are nothing compared to others. I don’t think I’ve ever truly had a “life-changing” experience. Sure I’ve had experiences that make life better or make life worse, and whilst it may seem like the biggest thing at the time, it really isn’t. There hasn’t really been anything in my way that has required me to halt completely and leave the old road behind. I’m still following the same road I was 6 years ago, despite some unexpected twists and turns along the way.


In the words of a song that I really shouldnt know the words to “There’s gotta be more to life than chasing down every temporary high”  .. And yesterday really made me appreciate the importance of this. Enjoy life for what it really is.. ignore the shit that it throws at you and learn to realise the goodness of it all. I have it so easy compared to some!! But it’s so easy to forget that. And it start's now.

It’s so easy to live life in hope of tomorrow- “ the better tomorrow”.. “Oh tomorrow I’ll start doing the work”.. “I’ll give that friend a ring back tomorrow”. But why? Today is better than tomorrow. Who knows what could happen tomorrow? No-one knows. And that’s why I’ve got to learn to live for the now. Enjoy the company of those that surround me today, not those that might surround me tomorrow. Do the work today, because then I don’t have to worry about it tomorrow. And live life with a smile that appreciates today, for who knows what may be tomorrow. Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present.

Now I realise how strange I sound, but these thoughts have just been in my head for the last day and I just wanted to e-say them out loud. And what better time to do that than now..

My life now rests in the hands of one book…
I really wish it was a more interesting read :S

My life now rests in the hands of one book…

I really wish it was a more interesting read :S

Counting down the days

Since I last wrote a post I was supposed to get down to some serious studying. Finals et al “just around the corner”..

However that would not be an accurate description of how I have actually spent the last ump-teen weeks since I returned from elective. Instead I have been distracting myself from the solitude of studying.. Initially this started by getting as far away from my books as possible.. Watching movies in the cinema, going for nice dinners, going for long walks… Now as I start to feel a bit guilty for all this time-wasting (which I am fully aware I am doing, but just can’t help doing) I have been venturing out less, because I have the notorious “I’ll just start after I do this” complex. So watching TV, making food, doing housework even.. Done with the assurance that my textbooks in the next room will be opened as soon as I complete the task.. After all, I need a bit of rest time too right.

And then when I really felt guilty for this not working, I made myself a timetable- the ultimate way to avoid work without feeling guilty.. Because your hovering in circles only inches fro actually working. Then I looked at my timetable. The amount I have to do is staggering.. And then I added in the “days til first exam” countdown.. Major error.

And now I wish I was back to writing the post below this, where time was less of an issue. Where I felt rested and rejuvenated and ready to work. Instead of tired and frustrated with what I’ve yet to do tomorrow and what I failed to yesterday.

Every year I ask myself this question of why I leave things so late. I’m a stressy person. I know I am.. But I’m also a lazy person. And I really can’t afford to be. As someone once said to me, the clock is gonna keep on ticking- it’s up to you to make sure every tick counts.

(OK so no one really said that to me, I just made that up.. But you get the point!)

"‘The beginning is the most important part of the work.’"

Goodbye relaxation

So it’s 2 am and I can’t sleep. 11 weeks have gone by and I’ve had so many memories and experiences and tomorrow I start back at uni. Well in 7 hours to be exact. And whilst I’m looking forward to seeing old faces again, I know that when I go back I need to think about starting work for exams etc and that thought is scary. I am just so chilled right now that I don’t even wanna face up to the fact that I have to start working.. I don’t even know where to start! Or how to go about it.. And so as I lie here, jetlagged and tired as hell, I am at the same time oddly peaceful and grateful for these last few hours before reality comes rushing back to fill every empty neuron in my brain.

It’s good to be back :S


Cut up an eyeball today!!

Just reached home

Now I miss Singaporean efficiency. My flight landed at 4am.. It’s now 8am and I have just reached home. Grr.

The airport was OK but TfL=FML. It was the FIRST train of the day, yet what should have taken 45 minutes took over 2 hours. So the train sets off from Heathrow, and it was cold but tolerable- obvs I hadn’t even come prepared for that but still it was fine. One stop later, we get to Hatton Cross.

Twenty minutes later- still at Hatton Cross. Hmm..

“Sorry about this delay folks, but we are in a queue to get in to the next station, we will be leaving shortly”. The retards- it was the first train of the day!! How can there be a queue!!!!

An hour and a half later I’m at Acton Town. Which should have taken 25 minutes. I’m not impressed.

But glad to be home :)

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